One question that gets asked a lot is how it’s possible that Pillar Five benefits both small-business owners and business service providers alike. We went over the finer points of how business owners can benefit and take back command of their company’s long-term health in a previous blog. Now it’s time to explain the benefits to service providers.


At the end of the day, we want service providers to realize that, in this day and age, they have a golden opportunity to go beyond the standard products and services they offer to care for an existing or potential customer from a holistic standpoint. Too often, service providers get caught up only in what they offer – thinking their services are the be-all-end-all to set a client up for sustainability. It’s similar to the tunnel vision effect where you only focus on the issue in front of you without paying attention to everything else around you that could also become a factor in building a sustainable business or joining the national economic death rate. 


Pillar Five gives banks, financial service companies, etc. the ability to know who their clients are, what their pain points are, and the tools to help their clients build sustainable businesses. Here are 3 reasons every service provider should jump on board:

1. You create an intimate relationship with your client

When your company can take care of a client’s needs from A to Z, that goes a long way in developing a long-lasting relationship. From the clients’ perspective, they believe they can come to their bank, CPA, etc. for anything and know they will get reliable advice not offered anywhere else. And for you the service provider, you gain the ability to understand who your clients are, the strength of their business, and their hidden weaknesses.


2. Instant access to an automated intake process and client value analyzer.

By offering Pillar Five, your company can now instantly identify your ideal clients, provide life cycle stage assessments and info that could add additional benefits from services you provide. It also gives you the ability to determine the long-term value of each client relationship. 


3. Instant credibility.

Each service provider who becomes a part of our program is seen as the authority of their products and services in the eyes of the consumer. The consumer – in this case, the small-business owner – is more apt to trust what you have to say or offer instead of looking elsewhere.